Hello and Greetings from Digital Ayurveda Solutions (DAS)
This is the age of digital revolution. The resources concerned with Ayurveda are plenty if searched. As Ayurveda physicians and students are getting net friendly, the first resource explored for any information, idea or concept is internet; more specifically, GOOGLE.
As the number of Ayurveda colleges providing degree and post graduate facilities are on rise, the students possessing these degrees are thrown out in the society every year. As there are very few jobs available for the fresh doctors, they are forced to start general practice with modern medicines. The clinical proficiency level regarding ayurvedic practice is poor in fresh ayurveda graduates.
Ayurvedic therapeutics has a rich tradition. There are many schools of various thoughts in Ayurveda. But, these schools are seen reluctant to pass on the knowledge through digital way.
The students’ enthusiastically taking admissions to degree course of ayurveda are facing problems regarding adequate teaching and clinical experience. There are many textbooks available, but, digital resources are lacking seriously.
There are many digital resources available for ayurveda physicians and students. These include –
- Ebooks
- Medical websites
- Pharmaceutical company websites
- Dedicated websites especially for Panchakarma and Herbal medicines
- Digital platforms which conducts lectures and samhita readings
- Websites for post graduate entrance preparation
- Blogs of many universities, institutes and individuals
- Mobile apps on various subjects mainly samhitas
- Open source scientific journals
The digital resources for ayurveda physicians and students are galore but, the main issue is of the credibility of the information and knowledge one gets.
At DAS, we are in process to contribute to this process and trying to make available quality content for ayurvedic physicians and students. Let’s hope, the situation will imrove in coming days.
Happy Learning!
- Aniruddha Kulkarni
Nice initiative.I will like to share my experinces .
Super like…need of today’s era
Very good
Ek kadam aage ki aur